
208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)


A trie (pronounced as “try”) or prefix tree is a tree data structure used to efficiently store and retrieve keys in a dataset of strings. There are various applications of this data structure, such as autocomplete and spellchecker.

Implement the Trie class:

Example 1:

Input [“Trie”, “insert”, “search”, “search”, “startsWith”, “insert”, “search”] [[], [“apple”], [“apple”], [“app”], [“app”], [“app”], [“app”]]

Output: [null, null, true, false, true, null, true]


Trie trie = new Trie();


trie.search(“apple”); // return True

trie.search(“app”); // return False

trie.startsWith(“app”); // return True


trie.search(“app”); // return True



import "strings"

type node struct {
	val   string
	left  *node
	right *node

type Trie struct {
	root *node

func Constructor() Trie {
	return Trie{}

func (t *Trie) Insert(word string) {
	t.root = insert(t.root, word)

func (t *Trie) Search(word string) bool {
	return search(t.root, word)

func (t *Trie) StartsWith(prefix string) bool {
	return startsWith(t.root, prefix)

func startsWith(root *node, prefix string) bool {
	if root == nil {
		return false
	if strings.Index(root.val, prefix) == 0 {
		return true
	if prefix < root.val {
		return startsWith(root.left, prefix)
	return startsWith(root.right, prefix)

func search(root *node, word string) bool {
	if root == nil {
		return false
	if word == root.val {
		return true
	if word < root.val {
		return search(root.left, word)
	return search(root.right, word)

func insert(root *node, word string) *node {
	if root == nil {
		return &node{word, nil, nil}
	if word == root.val {
		return root
	if word < root.val {
		root.left = insert(root.left, word)
	} else {
		root.right = insert(root.right, word)
	return root

 * Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * obj := Constructor();
 * obj.Insert(word);
 * param_2 := obj.Search(word);
 * param_3 := obj.StartsWith(prefix);